Curved Treadmill
Commercial-grade mechanical treadmills that do not require power, usually been called non-motorized treadmill, the user's own weight makes the running belt slide backwards, the position of the foot determines the speed. High-quality bearings with low drag make our curved treadmills superior to counterparts from China.
T-600 Curved Treadmill
T-600 Curved Treadmill
Running Belt width 44 cm
Max Speed 30 km/h (12 s for 100 meter Sprint)
Max Bear 130 kgs
Suit to most gyms
T-601 Pro Skillmill
T-601 Pro Skillmill
Running Belt width 48 cm
Max Speed 35 km/h (10.29 s for 100 meter Sprint)
Max Bear 180 kgs
Suit to Pro user
8 classes Adjustable Magnetic Resistance